Alfonso Ariza's House - museum, the great dream of this versatile artist rambleño, made real in July 1995 with the public opening of his doors and, digámoslo this way, his presentation in the company.
But up to coming here, to this July of 95, many were the works and joint efforts of not few rambleños, especially the own Alfonso Ariza, to the one that cost him, more than they must cost these things, to become convinced to the majority of the rambleños of the interesting thing that would be this cultural center, which today is the House Museum "Alfonso Ariza", for the people. For it he gave the first step, donating his housing and his workshop, and the whole work that at this moment existed in his power to the Townhall of The Ravine. Importantly it was also the group of young women artist, poets and painters in the main, that under the name of Cultural Group "Alfonso Ariza", stimulated with the decision this project, and, in the measure of his possibilities, "guarded" because the Townhall was expiring with his obligations after the death of the local artist happened in March 1989. This way there were happening the works of conditioning room and cataloguing work between the years 1990-95, up to end in the opening of the Museum.
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