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Chronology. End of the 9th century or beginning of the X

Style. Califa

Description. The Alminar de San Juan is a minaret of a primitive Islamic mosque located in the San Juan Square. It was built at the end of the 9th century or at the beginning of the 10th century

Caliph style presents a square plant of 3.70 m., a single body of ashlars arranged to rope and blunt with twin horseshoe arches on marble pillars with Visigoth stems. This first body was a line of blind caliphs, which are not appreciable except for the three columns that are still visible. The tower had a second body that was dismantled and replaced by the deck to four slopes that it has at the moment.
After the conquest of the city by the Castilian troops in 1236, it was ceded to the Knights of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, also known as San Juan de Los Caballeros, the name given to the Church of San Juan de Los Caballeros.
In spite of the deterioration that presents, it is, after the mosque, the best exponent of Califal art conserved in the city. It is also the only intact minaret of Qurtuba; The rest, such as that of Santa Clara or San Lorenzo or that of the Alhama Mosque itself, were so modified over time that it is difficult to ascribe them to the emirate or caliphal art.


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