The Palace of the Villalones, also Orive's so called Palace or House of the Goblin, is a former Renaissance palace. The building, work of the architect Hernán Ruiz II was constructed in 1560 and Cordova of the Renaissance treats itself about the most beautiful example of civil architecture. The front page with decorated arches is the most interesting aspect of the set. The Palace executed on the lot of a former house belonging to the family Root, demolished by Pedro I Cruel for the support that these gave to his brother Enrique II of Trastámara. 
It possesses an exterior space where there is located a garden and San Paul's unfinished major sacristy of ends of the 16th century. Nowadays it is the headquarters of the Councillorship of Culture, which has enabled rooms for temporary exhibitions of the contemporary author.



Place: Orive's Plaza, 2


From Monday to Saturday from 10h to 14 from 17 to 21h.

On Sundays from 10h to 14h.

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