The Mall The Saw will receive On June 2 a street market on Playmobil's world, stop forced for the lovers of this type of toys with which many generations we have grown.
Playmobil's infinity 'custom' of different professions they will form a part of an exhibition opened the public, who will rely on many unpublished pieces that they will be to the sale for the great public.
The figures of the sample will be exposed attending to different subject matters and it will count with dioramas of the pleasure of the smallest.
In addition, there will be many surprises how a giant Playmobil the XXth to do the delights of all the visitors.



Dates: On June 2

Place: Shopping Centre La Sierra

Schedule: from 11:00 to 21:00 h


1 Reviews

Margarita Madero Díaz

Me gustaría saber si vais a hacer alguna feria de playmovils me interesaría mucho antes de Reyes pq a mi hijo Juanjo le encanta comprar playmovils diferentes gracias

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